User Submitted Post

Tiffers, HAPPY 40th BIRTHDAY SWEET FRIEND!!!!🎉🎈🍰 I hope you have a wonderful time in San Fransisco and get spoiled rotten. Thank you for being such a great friend! We have had many great memories together that I will always forever cherish.
Some of my favorite memories of you are: running 1/2 marathons, getting up early to go to the gym (we were crazy), seven peaks (tube lovers)😂, living next door, Driving to Vegas in a snow storm, Lake Powell, New Years in Midway, boating with Campbell’s (riding the tube), being in the delivering room when I delivered Carson, taking amazing pictures of my family, and many more. You don’t look a day over 25 and I’m so thankful to call you my friend!😘
Love You, Annette