User Submitted Post

Wow, “40!!!”

I can’t believe it’s been 21 years since I first met you. Man, we were babies when we met and fell in love. ❤️  I never thought I could ever love somebody as much as I loved you back then but with time and the experiences we’ve had together raising our family, striving together for the goals we share, and having fun all along the way I love you more today than way back then.


You have become more beautiful as you’ve gotten older which completely blows my mind. You were so amazingly beautiful way back then when I fell in love with you. 😘

Tiff you are the life of our familie’s party. You always think about how to make memories. You bring the fun❗️ If it weren’t for you our lives may turn out a lot more hum drum.  (Wow, sorry didn’t mean to be so rimmy there 😂😂😂) You plan our events and activities and I mainly show up to lift heavy objects. Thanks for always being so thoughtful about making our life great‼️

I look forward to falling even more in love with you and watching you get even more beautiful over the next 20 years. I know our life will be fun and fulfilling with you by my side. You are AMAZING‼️‼️ ❤️❤️❤️

Love forever,

