How to decorate with modern art

Some Tips To Decorating A Room With Modern Abstract Art

Modern Apartment
Abstract art in living room

Tip 1

A very important thing to consider is the over all design of your space.  Remember not one object alone can make your room a success.  Much like your favorite song incorporates many parts such as a lead singer, a guitarist, a drummer and other parts of the band; your favorite place to spend time should include many elements that join in harmony.  So don't forget to add art.  It's surprising how much difference it can make. 

Abstract art is more popular than ever because it blends with almost any environment.  Notice how in the above pictures an abstract art piece with the same color pallet as the over all room finishes the room with sophistication and style.  

Tip 2

Fill large walls with big paintings.  Scale is an important design principle not to overlook.  A small painting will look smaller on a large wall than it really is.  A small painting will also look out of place on a large wall.  The opposite is true as well.  A huge painting will feel cramped by a small wall area. 

Notice how this abstract art adds visual interest to the room.  It breaks up an expansive space while adding softness and warmth to an otherwise cold and wall.   Think of your walls as a canvas where you can express your personal style.  People who visit your environment will be impressed by the overall design of your room. 

Tip 3

Don't be afraid of color.  Trends come and go, and one thing is constant.  Change!  One thing that hasn't been a trend because of it's staying power is decorating with modern abstract art.  Abstract art can be many things.  Styles such as minimalism, post modernism, abstract expressionism, and many more have withstood the test of time.  One thing that tends to be important with all of these styles is strong design, and bold use of color.  

A well chosen abstract art piece can bring that special focal point that brings a room to life.  So give it a try.  You'll be excited to spend time in your space enhanced by color and design.